El Sur Grande

California Anomaly

Major traffic that doesn’t slow you down. A road so treacherous no one exceeds 25mph. Beautiful beaches with no one on them. There’s no way to get down to them. Totally inconsistent weather in a state where weather is utterly consistent. Serious gravity in a land where gravitas is seriously casual. A place with beauty all around, Big Sur is also home to the grotesque gluttonous elephant seal who lounges around, losing 2000 lbs, then swims to Alaska, gorges back up to 4k, and returns here to start all over again. El Sur Grande.

It was a harrowing but fascinating ride over unforgiving, steep switchbacks. Next stop, Carmel. Then on to Napa Valley tomorrow.

misty lagoon


classic lagoon

Dark Knight at Big Sur
Big Sur California — September 6th 2013

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Publishes Steel Wheels - The Tao Of Motorcycling: http://steelwheelsblog.com

5 thoughts on “El Sur Grande”

  1. Nico, I know it must be hard not to be sharing this ride with Margaret, but She will always be riding with you. I have been thinking of her all day! I did this drive from the North-to-South back in the 80’s – from Santa Clara to San Louie Obispo – took me 2 days by car!


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